Tuesday 27 February 2007

Indiana and the Kitty of Doom!

Well today's Indihomer adventure started out innocently enough.. I was sitting in a chair ON the lawn with Homer in full sight..He'd been very good all afternoon, just pottering round, catching and eating his entire bodyweight in flies.. ewww... and not making any attempt to climb trees or anything. Then I made the mistake of looking the other way for ten seconds... No Homer... My son and I looked for him and he had vanished.. we looked EVERYWHERE.. up all the trees, in all the bushes.. IN the house! No Homer...

We're both yelling.. 'Homerr! Homerr! And no reply... no cat, nothing, just starting to get a BIT nervous when I hear a YooooooorrrrrrrrooooowwwwwwRRRRRR! from outside the back gate!!!

Open it to find a TWICE the size Homer sizing up to a cute black cat with a red collar on... who looked a bit put out at the sheer amount of noise Homer was producing...!!

Black cat sees me.. and legs it.. Homer still looking like a puffball, shot under my neighbours car! and stayed there yelling like all the hounds of hell were after him... lgnoring all my calls, to please come out, everything will all be OK, I made a grab for his collar, but it's one of those quick release ones and it came off in my hand!

Argh... Finally I sent my son back into the house for his prawnies... and he came out for those!

He's now back in the house! And I am recovering with a nice hot cuppa..

Honestly there is less than a two inch gap under that gate! It's now filled in with bricks! I feel like I live in a high security prison!

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Indiana Homer - His Blog

Indiana Homer welcomes you to his blog, and hopes you will stay for a while. Read on to find out all about him..